Some audio clips related to growing-up in Chicago

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Audio clips

  1. A famous Chicago question
  2. "After The 7th" theme
  3. Big Banana music
  4. Blurry music
  5. Breakfast music
  6. "Cat with The Bag" music
  7. "Catch Up" music
  8. Classic music
  9. "Coming Through in The Clutch" theme
  10. Dos Amigos theme
  11. Driving music
  12. "Flip Your Lid" music
  13. Flying Nut theme
  14. Get Lost music
  15. Good-bye Breakfast music
  16. Ice Cream Dish theme
  17. King of The United States theme
  18. Kiss Goodbye music
  19. Lake Michigan music
  20. "Pump You Up" music
  21. "Saturday Night Date" theme
  22. Sissy music
  23. Tomorrow is Today music
  24. "Zap, Pow, Ouch" music
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